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  • 12.May.2001 20:27:19 A stiff drink is on order - to the rather late Mr Adams - afromme

    Subject: A stiff drink is on order - to the rather late Mr Adams ( 1 of 1 )
    Posted by afromme

    My second post already - I am still totally numbed by this incomprehensible news.
    You come home (just having recommended DNA's books hardly 12 hours ago), turn on the teletext and the first thing you read is "Cult-Author Douglas Adams has died."

    Click - hmm.

    Click - hmm.


    Click - hmm.

    Click, click - hmm.

    Still nothing.

    I'm really out of words here.

    But somebody else (on managed to truly captivate my feelings:

    "I feel so sad.
    If I lie down and put a paper bag on my head, will that help?"

    Take care, Douglas; and enjoy the ride.
    (Hey, the non-existence of god does not necessarily mean a dead man cannot enjoy a ride once in a while, does it?)
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